Partisan Denial

The NPP has an interesting history of having the most dramatic and entertaining way of selecting its Flagbearer. Several interestingly overconfident members pay interestingly outrageous amounts of money to contest the race only to realise that most of the delegates aren’t interested in them. It doesn’t get worse than realising you’re the only one to vote for yourself. This time, however, most of the usual suspects have come out to say that they aren’t interested in leading yet, and that they would rather focus on building structures. While I think this is a noble idea, I still wait with bated breath to monitoring another interesting race for the Flagbearer.


Your honor….

What an awesome week! For me, there were lots of great, fun moments this week and I’m sure most people had equal or even better experiences. However, the funniest moment (and I’m sure all my Ghana people will agree with me) was Sammy Awuku’s appearance in court.
Sammy Awuku is a member of the opposition NPP who went on air to make certain statements that the Supreme Court found contemptuous. True, there were even worse statements made by members of the NDC (and I pray they all get punished), however his was the only statement that was aimed at the judges and was truly contemptuous. Looking at the man standing before the judge in court, it was hard to recognise him as the same person who talks on radio with so much vim and vigour.



I recently had the opportunity to read a few portions of Arthur Kennedy’s book, “Chasing the elephant into the bush”, and I ask myself why there was no landslide victory for the NPP?
For those of you who don’t know him, Arthur Kennedy is a member of the NPP who stood for the flagbearership of the party and lost……quite miserably. His book was written after the NPP was voted out of office in 2008. Now after what I read I must say that in Ghana, Arthur Kennedy is to hindsight what Ben Ephson is to foresight (in my opinion). I suppose the members of his party saw this book as a mocking ‘I told you so’ rather than constructive criticism of actions taken collectively by a party of which he is a very active member. I can’t review the book as I haven’t read all of it, but from what I’ve read so far, this is my opinion.


We don’t see the same things

For those who don’t know, we had an election in Ghana last year and members of the main opposition party went to court to challenge the results of the election. The case is now in court and is telecast live on all the major stations (dark days for TV addicts). It’s interesting to hear people’s opinions about the case so far; which leads me to ask, are we all watching the same thing?


Ex Gratia

Last week, the government thought it wise to pay the ex gratia of former ministers instead of addressing similar concerns of teachers and lecturers who had gone on strike for weeks. This i felt was very insensitive considering the fact thatJunior High School students were preparing for their BECE. However, one member of the main opposition actually defended the government over this action which I felt was very hypocritical. I assume the reason he did this was simply because he was among the former ministers to be paid. I strongly believe the government has got it’s priorities wrong. God save Ghana.
